2018 April 14

Tens of Thousands Hold March for Science in U.S., Around the World


Tens of thousands of people turned out on this day for the second annual March for Science in Washington, DC, other cities in the U.S., and cities around the world. A total of 230 events were held around the world.

The purpose of the events was to demand that public officials base government policy on scientific evidence and not ideological preconceptions. The 2017 march had a stronger anti-Trump flavor than the 2018 March. The Trump administration has been noted for rejecting the evidence on climate change, and the argument that damaging changes in the world’s climate is heavily influenced by human actions. The Environmental Protection Agency has been ravaged by Trump appointees with an aggressive climate denial agenda.

As happened under President George W. Bush, scientific evidence on sexuality, reproduction, and contraception has also been advanced by the Trump administration.

In addition to the main march in Washington, DC, events also occurred in New York City, Nashville, Houston, Denver, Munich, Germany, Durban, South Africa, and also near the North Pole and in Antarctica.

Learn more at marchforscience.com

Visit the National Center for Science Education NCSE) here

Find resources on science education at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) here


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